I Support the Girls

I Support the Girls (ISTG) collects bras and menstrual hygiene products and distributes them to girls and women experiencing homelessness. The bras and products are then delivered to women who need them all around Indiana.

Hancock Health decided to partner with them for Breast Cancer Awareness Month to provide bras and feminine hygiene products for women in Indiana who need them the most. We created a donation drive where people from Hancock County could stop by and donate items, as well as participate in fun activities.

On the right is the flyer that I created for the donation drive that was distributed around all of the Hancock Health offices and departments:

I also promoted the event on the Hancock Regional Hospital social media pages, as well as the Hancock Women+Children Facebook page (when the pages were live). We ended up being able to collect over 15 bags worth of bras and feminine hygiene products!